Monday, February 9, 2009

Updates on Trevor

Just a quick update on Trevor's recovery... he had an MRI last week and everything looked great! Trevor is doing better in school and is alot more alert then he has been in years. Since he has not had any more seizures his brain is healing and that is why he is able to concentrate for longer periods at a time and is able to comprehend math and reading better. It's amazing how having just one seizure can affect your mental ability in learning.

Trevor really likes to keep his hair super short because he thinks his scar is really cool and likes to show it off.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Great News!

Trevor had his post-op appointment today and everything is great! The tumor/mass they found was an abnormality that he was probably born with. While the brain nerves were forming a few of them got mixed up and formed a cluster that started growing, it has a long name, but that doesn't really matter. What matters is that they got it all and the tests came back clean.

Since the surgery Trevor seems more focused, sharper then he was. He's using words that he's never used before in a normal conversation. The doc said that with the seizures he was having most likely was the reason for having a hard time with some of his school work, concentration and comprehension. He said that will definately improve.

Trevor will probably have alot of little bumps in the road, but for now he is doing well, therefore I probably will not be updating after this. If there ends up being some big achievements, I will post again, otherwise thanks to you all for being so supportive and all of the nice letters and emails.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tuesday... not much goin on

Just wanted to update everyone, Trev is doing well, still sleeping alot! He is now sitting down doing homework, that HE asked for. Tomorrow we go to the doctor for the post op appointment, I believe they should have some answers about the "thing" they pulled out of his head, I'll update then.

Friday, November 7, 2008


There isnt too much to report, Trevor is doing better then I had expected, he has actually asked me to get him some homework? Did they add something while doing the surgery? He still gets tired pretty easily, other then that, it seems pretty normal around here.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pictures of the journey

Some of you may feel uncomfortable about looking at the pictures, there is nothing gross, just looking is sometimes hard.

Getting ready for surgery

After surgery in the ICU

Day 2 he got out of the icu and into the patient recovery rooms.

Day 3, he got his "turbin" off.

The day after we got home his eye started swelling and closing.

His incision

Close up view of incision

Monday, November 3, 2008

More Updates

Trevor hasn't been doing that great today. He cant keep anything down, he is still in alot of pain but he will give you a smile if you look at him.

Two days before his surgery I took the kids to get their pictures taken, here is the link ... make sure you turn up your volume for this... it is pretty funny.

Tawnie and Trevor's music video

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Trevor is doing well at home, he is sleeping ALOT! His right eye, the same side of his surgery, is really swollen and black and blue, like he got into a fight and lost.

I hope to post pictures soon from the day of surgery until now, just to keep track of his healing time, more for other people online looking for information on children that have had or need brain surgery, I know I couldn't find anything online when I wanted to know more.

We've had lots of visitors and gifts and I'd just like to thank you all for that.