Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pictures of the journey

Some of you may feel uncomfortable about looking at the pictures, there is nothing gross, just looking is sometimes hard.

Getting ready for surgery

After surgery in the ICU

Day 2 he got out of the icu and into the patient recovery rooms.

Day 3, he got his "turbin" off.

The day after we got home his eye started swelling and closing.

His incision

Close up view of incision


The Wozow's said...

Holy crap that is the most awesome scar I've ever seen in my life - I don't even think you should grow your hair back! Sport that baby like the badass you are!

Uncle Rick said...

The video is cute, altough I don't have sound capability at work....;(

I'll be sending 4 t-shirts with the new Harley Skull logo (see my Avatar for this blog). They should be here sometime next week. Since I don't know sizes I'm getting two mens large and 2 mens small.

It just amazes me how someone can have brain surgery and be back home much less up and around in a couple of days.

It's scarry how he looks like Grampa Scott....but then that scould explain a lot.

Keep getting better and kow that we are behind you 100%.

Uncle Rick & Aunt Cheryl

Carrie - Massage Therapist said...

Like Trent said - "ouch & wow"
What a scar - what type of tatoos are you going to put on it?

Dionne said...

What more can I add? That has all the makings of a seriously cool future scar. Has it started to itch yet? Hope Trevor is having a much better day today!!