Saturday, October 18, 2008


Today Trevor had soccer, no seizures. YAAA! This week during soccer practice he had the longest seizure that he's ever had. I used to get really upset and anxious after he has had a seizure, but knowing he's going to be having his surgery, I felt very relaxed and confident. During his game this time, he didn't even go blind in his eye. To be a normal kid right now is very important to us, for him. He's such a trooper, but, we are no longer allowed to call his party a "brain party", he has just informed me that that hurts his feelings, it is just called a party, ... party pooper.

Today he played awesome, he was involved in 2 of the goals. I hope he will be able to play soccer again. The percentage of him losing the movement in the left side of his body is low, but there is always a chance.

Today I received another statement from my insurance, so far the bills have added up to be about 60 grand, we don't have to pay that of course, thank God for insurance, but I have been told that the surgery itself can be up to 600,000.00, can you imagine?

I always look back at pictures of Trevor before he started having seizures and it has always made me sad when I see those pictures and think, "that's when he was normal", now I wonder if I'll be doing that again after his surgery, looking back at pictures that I took today, will I think that we were really lucky that he only had seizures? I think the surgery is starting to cross my mind, this week will be his last full week of school, he's in normal classes right now, I wonder if he'll have to be in special ed classes afterwards?

That's it for today.

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