Tuesday, October 21, 2008

9 days until surgery

Trevor is doing well, he was a little quiet today, we got his haircut and we discussed his scar that's coming, he hopes it looks cool, I told him that we'll have to get him a tattoo on the scar that says, "i love mom", he said that wasnt going to happen. He did finally admit that he was starting to get scared. This is the first time I've heard this, now I'm nervous.

We are keeping really busy around here with all of the doctor's appointments and school stuff. We have an opthamologist appointment tomorrow, with the blindness that comes and goes in his right eye, they want to see how the surgery will affect that eye, if at all.

We're getting there, it's gonna be a long road, but we're ready.


The Leskos said...

I love you Dawn. You are such a strong amazing woman! It's ok to be scared dammit! Give Trev a hug for me.

Dani Christensen said...

Hi - how did you find out about our blog? We haven't gone far into the process yet, but hopefully it all works out! Which hospital are you going through for your son?