Friday, October 31, 2008

Long Night!

Okay, I will give you all the run down. Like I said yesterday, some of you questioned, the thing they took out, they couldn't get to the other remnants of it because that would have caused major problems in the brain. They got the core of the area that the seizures were actually stemming from. That is all GREAT!

After surgery yesterday, Trevor had alot of pain so they gave him morphine and then because he was yanking at his head and I.V.'s they restrained his arms and gave him an antianxiety pill, they then gave him some steroids for the inflammation, he then broke out in a rash, so they gave him Benadryl. Needless to say, they spent the rest of the day and all night checking on him trying to wake him up. They were suppose to be giving him Neuro exams but couldn't because he was sleeping. He would move around, squeeze fingers and move his shoulders, but he wouldn't open his eyes, and that was the main thing they wanted.

By this morning he was somewhat awake, the nurse was talking to him and asked if he had a headache, Trevors exact word was, "DUH". The nurse laughed and I knew Trevor was okay, that's my boy!

Today they are going to try to make him eat on his own, they'll have to take out that catheter too, God knows I wont be there when they do that! He can then get out of the ICU.

You all have been so great for all of the emails, and voicemails, and I am real sorry that I couldn't have updated more yesterday, it was a whirl wind around here. But, everything is going good right now.


1 comment:

The Leskos said...

OMG!! What a horrible evening, I would have been a mess! I bet you were a real champ through it all though! Poor Trevvy :( I am glad to hear he is doing better today. Greg was pretty pissed when I told him they got "most" of the thingy out. He was ranting and know Greg! Anyway, we send our love to all and I love that I can check the blog and see how all is without bothering you.