Thursday, October 30, 2008


Trevor is out of surgery, I just saw him, he seems to be doing fine, he is sleeping but yet in alot of pain, that makes his blood pressure go way up, so they are just trying to manage his pain right now. Besides being puffy, he looks to be okay.

The surgery went great! They got most of the "thing" out. They are not quite sure what it is, its the cross between a tumor and an abnormality. They are sending it to pathology and we should know for sure within 2 weeks. Other then all of that, they said that he didnt need any blood transfusion, and the electrodes that they put on his head to track seizures... didnt show any movement after the "thingy" was removed, that is GREAT! Big chance of no seizures! This has been a great thing, I will keep you all posted, I am staying with him tonight.


Dionne said...

Ya that is awesome news!!! Thanks for this update, I've been checking your blog all day. Hugs to all of you. I sincerely hope that they get the pain management all perfected quickly and now he just has a very speedy recovery!!

Carrie - Massage Therapist said...

WAHOOOOO! Now your "little friend" is gone!
We are all saying our prayers & thanks for you guys! Jokes included too - like Trevor would normally be doing!
We love ya!
Trent, Carrie, Hunter, Lisa, Hakeem, Sabrina, Keanna, Jada, Kelley, Robert & Darlene!

The Leskos said...

YAY!!! WooHoo!! I am so happy to hear that he is doing well! When he is feeling well enough tell him that we send our love. Take a deep breath girlfriend, the worse is over!!!

jennifer-v said...

oh my so happy for you all.have a good night and try to get some rest (it will be hard i know).my best wishes to all of you.

The Wozow's said...

So glad the doctors had a good report, what a relief huh??!!! Maybe you guys will actually get some sleep tonight... probably not! I've been checking your blog all day so thanks for keeping us all informed. You deserve the super mom of the year award Dawn!!! Trevor you get the superman of the year award!!!! We love you all!!!

Uncle Rick said...

Dawn and Family,

I can only imagine the relief you are feeling right now. The pain in his head will pass and then he'll be a pain in your ass.....again :-P

If there is anything we can do to assist you you know all you have to do is ask.

We are also sure that the next few weeks are going to be filled with Doctor visits and hopefully a lot of just relaxing.

Take care in knowing you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Uncle Rick and Aunt Cheryl