Tuesday, October 28, 2008


When I gave birth, I had the most perfect child, 10 fingers, 10 toes, a perfectly shaped head… the head that you feel with your face to see if there’s a fever, the head that you kiss when they’re sleeping, the same head that you kiss when they bump it on the coffee table, knowing that this body grew inside of you just how it is now, I look at him knowing that he is exactly the way that I gave birth to him, just a little bigger. :)

Knowing that these doctors are going to be sawing through this perfect skull really bothers me. Knowing that after the surgery his head won’t be the same, not the perfection that it used to be. It will no longer be untouched. I think as a mother that I have a right to feel this way. Wouldn’t it bother you just a little too?


Angela said...

This has got to be really tough. I am praying for you guys. I know it can be so hard on a Mother watching her child go thru this and you are his strength. I have been thru some things with my son Sawyer and it's tough.
I am thinking of you all.

Jen said...

I know exactly what you mean. Try to think of it this way, his head is not only perfect, but now it's SUPER perfect! Does that sound stupid? Probably, but I think he'll be getting something extraordinary from this experience . . . super strength(in his heart), super will(in his mind) and super power (from his family and friends). Probably sounding stupid again :) We love you guys! Jen

Dionne said...

I, too, know what you mean, and honey you have every right to feel every emotion that you are feeling. Life has a funny way of adding "character" to perfection. Huge hugs to you!! I'm here if you need me.